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Quitclaim by Johanna, relict of Elyas de Walingford, citezen of London, to Roger Hosebonde, citezen of London, of all her rights which the said Roger holds in the parish of St Nicholas Shambles, of the demise of the said Elyas. Sealing clause. Dated day of St Luke the Evangilist
Sir (dno) John le Bretoun, warden of the City; John de Donestaple and Adam de Hallingbury, sheriffs; Nicholas de Farndone, alderman of the ward; Adam Wade; Roger le Paum'; Henry de la Weye; John Dachet; Roger le Galyes; David le Lavw; Robert the clerk and others.
23 Ed I (18 Oct 1295) dated at london st luke’s day 23 ed I
Quitclaim by Johanna, relict of Elyas de Walingford, citezen of London, to Roger Hosebonde, citezen of London, of all her rights which the said Roger holds in the parish of St Nicholas Shambles, of the demise of the said Elyas. Sealing clause. Dated day of St Luke the Evangilist
Sir (dno) John le Bretoun, warden of the City; John de Donestaple and Adam de Hallingbury, sheriffs; Nicholas de Farndone, alderman of the ward; Adam Wade; Roger le Paum'; Henry de la Weye; John Dachet; Roger le Galyes; David le Lavw; Robert the clerk and others.
23 Ed I (18 Oct 1295) dated at london st luke’s day 23 ed I