grant of land in lvy lane (alsieslane) opposite the northern door of st paul’s by ralph de cornhullia to john de sancto laurenc’ 1192x1212
[okay--- looks like this calendar entry is either wrong or mistranscribed
date henry fitzailwin as mayr, ranulf wit as treasure of salisbury
copied ms 25504 fol 147
[old pres a9a/456]
hiis testibus osberto filio hervei ric de h’iet henr fil ailwini maiore london phil fil rob robto fre’ ei9 rogo filio alani alano fil pet jord de turri johe fil h’lizon’ willo fil alulfi constant’ fil alulph arnulfo fre’ ei9 guid de vou gaufr’ blundo willo de sco mich willo fil sabel henr fil reinii rob fil brietii rann’ thaurar sar’ sym’ de lama [cama] ustac mcerio pet clico symone de andevilla henr’ serviente johis johanne clerico