Description (Repository) |
Grant, by Ralph de Gardino (of the garden) and Rohesia his wife, to London Bridge of 8s. worth of rent in the parish of St Leonard, Eastcheap, from a certain shop in Candlewickstreet, lying between the shop of the said Ralph and Rothesia on the E, and the land of William Aleman on the W and N; for the annual render to the grantors of one penny or a pound of cumin, to the church of St Saviour, Bermondsey, of 5s. In condition whereof the proctors of the Bridge gave 15s. as 'gersuma'.
Witnesses: Joceus Juvene, then alderman; John Hanin; Robert Long; Robert de Cheserye; Benet the butcher; Roger the butcher; Reginald the butcher; William Blund; Alexander the clerk; Robert de Folham; Ralph Trey; Ralph Takapeni; Richard de Ho; Edward de Foleham; William Scrifein; Peter Felur; Jordan de Sandestede and many others. |