Description (Repository) |
Reginald Senex
990 Grant by Reynold Senex (s) to Hamon Faber of land at Biscopesgate. Rent: one mark silver. Fine: one lib, of pepper and one besant to Reynold's wife. Wit. Richard de Kent', Baudry le Tanur, Alwric Tanur, William de Neuwde, Richard Tanur, Robert Muillecake, John Lorimer, Walter le Ferrun, Emald le Bret, Reynold Tegulator, William de Rotoniago, Eustace his brother, Ralph le Tacuner, Richard le Cuilter, Robert Clericus, Edmund Faber, Solomon de Stubenheia, Otes de Bassieshage, Durand le Fuster, William Pictor, Edward Pictor, Emald Clericus de Bassieshage, Ailric Fenerius, William Belami, Everard le Waite, Fulk Nuncius, Ellis, Robert le Vintner, William Pistor, Solomon Peltinarius, Osmund Janitor, Richard son of Goldburg, Fabian,) Osgod Faber, Adam son of William le Heiward, Roger Hosno, Ralph Divinus. [c.I.190]. 383/1290. Moore I, 8z
Richard of Kent; Baldric the tanner; Aiwirco tanner; William de Newde; Richard tanner; Robert muillecake; John Lorimer; Walter le Ferrun; Arnald le Bret; Reginald tegulatore; William de Rotomago; Eustace his brother; Ralph le Tacun; Richard le curtiler ?cutiler?; Robert the clerk; Edmund le Fabro; Salomon of Stubenhethe; Odo of Bassinghage; Durand the fuster; William le pictore; Edward le pictore; Arnald the clerk of Bassieshaw; Ailrico fen' William belami; Everard le Blund [waite]; Fulco le nuncio of Ely; Robert the vintner; William the baker; Salomon pelcun' ; Osmund ianitore; Richard son of Goldburg; Fabien; Osgod fabro; adam son of william le herward'; Roger Ho; Ralph divini |