Grant by Jordan of the Tower to Matthew of the ash (de fraxino) of his land situated between the house of Robert Portitor [the porter or the janitor] and the road leading to the land held of the grantor in Suthewerch’ by Eua de Falewurde; the which land extends from the royal highway to the land of the same Eua; rendering therefore 40d. per annum. In consideration of which grant the said Matthew has given a besant and two towels as ‘gesuma’
Witnesses: Edward de Buddelea. Pentecost de Wandlesurde. Luke fitz (filius) Aluric. Luke fitz (filius) William. Stephen fitz (filius) Aiswc. Fulcher de Ruderhede. Alescander fitz (filius) Ailbriht. William Midniht. Adam fitz (filius) Godwin. Simon de Mereton’. Richard the weaver. John Wind. Everard the mason. Geoffrey Griffel. Norman Wanter. William the goldsmith. Walkelin the baker. Wuluric the mason etc.
[some changes in spelling of witneses]