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Quitclaim by Gregory de Rokeslee, Robert de Basinge, Nicholas de Wynton', Philip le Tayllour, John de Grisors, Ralph le Blond, John FitzPeter, William de Farendon, Robert de Rokeslee, Joce le Acatour (akatour), Martin Box, William le Mageliner, Robert de Arraz; Anketin de Brettuille(betteuille), William de Haddestoke, Richard Aschewy, John de Northampton, Thomas Box, alderman, and the commanalty of the city of London, to Henry le Waleys and his heirs, of all their rights in the places antiguous to the wall of the churchyard of St Paul's which were granted by king Edward in the first instance to the mayor and commanilty for the maintance of London Bridge, and subsequently to the said Henry individually. Dated in Hustings Tuesday next after the feast of St Edward, 13 Ed I (1285) Colour transparancy of the deed and seal - AS101
Sir Ralph de Sandwich, warden of the city; Walter le Blund and John Wade, 'tenentes locum' of the sheriffs; John de Kirkeby; Master William de Luda; Hugh de Kendale; John de Banquelle and others
dated at london in pleno hustings Tuesday afte the feast of st edward 13 ed I
(march 20th 1285)
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