Grant by John Everard senior to the work of London Bridge of 2s annual rent which those of the chief house of the bridge ward used to pay him for a certain support (subpura) standing in a house of his rental, and upholding the next house, beside the quay called 'Fishwarf'; and of 4s annual rent payable for four other supports upholding the same house; on condition of the annual celebration in the chapel of the Blessed Thomas the Martyr on London Bridge of a solemn Mass for the souls of the grantor and all the faithful departed. Sealing clause.
Michael Thoui, mayor of London; Thomas de Haverhelle and William Hardel, wardens of the Hospital of St Giles; Stephen Bokerel senior; John de Coudres; John le Mynur; Laurence de la Corner'; William de Dureme; Alexander the clerk and others
Large Reg f.532 no.531; Small Reg f.25d no.67
Religious design - NB early for this image?