Will of Robert Neucomen
Harl 54 A 46
WIllof Robert Neucomen, dat. London Sund. 1 Apr 1330 4 Edw III proved 4 Mon apr [2 APr ] same yar
En leu of God and his sweet mother saint Mary and all their saints amen. I Robert Newcomen make my testament in this manner. In first I give my soul to god all powerful my creator and his sweet mother saint Mary and my body before the alter of our lady in the church of saint Michael. Item I give to the alter of Saint Michael half a mark for my dymes . Item I give to the high clerks of the same church 12 pence and to the other clerks 6 pence. Item I give to the care of the church of Saint Michael half a mark. Item I give to the new decoration of saint Paul half a mark. Item I give on the day of my interment for masses for my soul to the brothers 40s, if this is before the day when I am dead. Item I give the day of my interment for the purchase of wax and other expenses 20 shillings. Item I give 3 serges esteautz et ardantz ent[ ] mon̅ corps chescun serge of the weight of 4 pounds. Item I give of the four serges two to the church of Saint Michael, the third to the church of Saint ????Past and the fourth serge to the church of saint Idier en Wodstrete to serve at the high altar in the same church. I give to Johanna my sister 20 shilling and to Isolde my sister 20 shilling. Item I give to Eleanor my sister the two marks which she owes me. I give to the daughter of Gilbert my brother 20s for her marriage. I give to sir John my brother a hanaper full silver one un amayl enmy leu le hanap. Item I give to the hospitailles seint hertelmen seint marie hors bisshopesgate and to saint Thomas of Southwark to distribute among the poor @ somit in the said hospitals 20 shillings. I give to William the son of Gilbert my brother 4 marks, of which the said Gilbert devised to him in his testament and voil {?} @ the before said four marks to him were loaned when his time had passed of his app[ ]uticiante. I give to Margaret my niece all manner of house clothes for pris quatre potz and four pales des messh oneours. Item I give to her one small hanaper with a bend of silver and 3 quyllers of silver @ somcc {?} merthez de vn merche one vn croce. I give Andrew the son of William Newcomen one robe neir medle and ten shilling of silver. I give to William son of Johanna my sister one robe dep[ ]ti le chaump de blunk medle et lautre p[ar]ti de sendring. I give to John the husband of Isolde my sister one robe lune p[ ]tie messe et lautre p[ ]tie cha[]mp Iaune. I give to William and to his wife Margaret my niece 20 shillings. And the 10 pounds which the said William owes me I will that he find a chantry chaplain for three years leaument faire and to his I charge on peril of his soul. I give all this house which I have from the ditch of Henry de Seccheford in Fleetstreet in the parish of Saint Bride to sell to ap[ ]sourner my testament and to acquit my debts and the remnants I which for masses to be said for my soul and the brothers. I give the thirty pounds which John de Pykenham and Emma his wife owe me for a house which they bought from me to pay on terms of three years by equal portions cest afan cheson 10 ppounds for chaplains to sing for my soul and for all Christians in the church of St Michael atte Corn. Item I give to Agnes my daughter two marks of quit rent from year to year from the shop that William Neucomen holds by the term of his life in the parish of Saint Michael atte Corn. Item I give to Agnes my daughter two marks of quit rent arestemre from year on year from the shop that William Neucomen holds by term of his life in the parish of Saint Michael atte Corn. And if the said William does not pay well and leaument the two marks by year I wish that the aforesaid Agnes should be able to entre the shop without any contradiction or disturbance and to lease the shop to another which pleases her. And the remnants of all my goods @ ne somit {? – word is faded} not named in my testament I will that they be sold and the proceeds @ dieu endorra of these I wish that masses shall be changed for my soul and entre poures baillez et linerez {?} solont ce @ mes execut[ ]s veyent @ myelo soit assane for the salvation of my soul. A test testament ap[ ]parre [en totes choses] {above the line and inserted with a carrot here} et suwr dep[ ]ney ieo fate mes executours cest asan[ ] Thomas Warener et William Neucomen and Margaret my niece. I give to Thomas Warener 1 mark. In testimony to the truth of this testament I {section lost} seal. Given in London the Sunday before the first day of the moth of A[ril in the year of our lord 1330 and in the fourth year of the reign of the King Edward the third since the conquest.