50 G 49
carta petri de gisors, civis london, confirmans donationem annui redditus 4 marcarum et 32 denariatorum quam johannes renger quietum clamaverat juliana hardel de domo vocata la coppedehalle in parochia s. johannis de walebroc, et dedomo in parochii s. martini de vinetria. test. reg. de suffok. philippo le tayollur, hen. le waleys, hen. de hereford, ricardo de wilehalle. dat. london, in crastino apost. petri et pauli, 512 hen. III [1267]
[note there is a fragment on the tongue of the document -- green wax vaguely circular. Clearly this is an impression -- some faint edge lines but nothing really comprehensible]