Description (Repository) |
Charter of William brother of King Henry II giving to Reiner son of Berenger all the land of . . . . . . . dres except that which Golce the vintner holds: when the donor shall have made his gift up to twenty `libratae' he will take Reiner's homage. (Dec.
1154—jan. 1164)
ORIGINAL: Cotton Chart. xvi. 26, badly damaged by fire and almost illegible. BS FACSIMILE.
Willelmus frater H. regis Angl' omnibus hominibus suis Francis et Anglicis quarn futuris ? salutem. Sciatis me dedisse et concessisse Raignero filio Bereng' totam terram dres quicunque illam teneat . sic aliquis predecessorum meorum liberius et honorificentius tenuit excep quam Golce uinitarius tenet . in feudo et hereditate tenendam de me et heredibus meis et su nis et cum perfecerim ei xx libratas terre cum ista terra . tune recipiam homagium suum. Testibus Gaufrido de . . . . . . . de fil' . et Godefrido filio Bauini Roberto Mantel . Nicholao clerico et Michale clerico;
SEAL1 placed upside down on strip, riband below: round, c. 21,3. in. when perfect; top broken away; uncoloured. Equestrian, sword, trappings charged with lions rampant; no legend. Strip only remains on charter.
1 It is, perhaps, not without significance that in both studiously vague one, 'Cottonian MSS'. volumes the reference given by the Manx writers is the 2 See Introduction.
For William Longsword', the brother of Henry II, see Delisle, Recueil des actes de Henri II, Introduction, 487-90; Stenton, Early Northamptonshire Charters, 24-6; and Douglas, Feudal Documents, 170. For the grantee and his family, who were prominent London citizens, see Page, London, 244-8; two charters in favour of his son Richard are printed above, Nos. 82 and 158. The limits of date are supplied by the coronation of Henry II and William's death on 30 Jan. 1164. |