Description (Repository) |
[[[[westch 416. Confirmation by Hugh de Fonte to his daughter Margaret of William son of Herbert, with the whole tenement which he holds of Hugh in Westminster, and an acre of land adjoining that acre which William holds of him, to be held by Margery at an annual rent of is. 6d. and half a pound of cumin annually, for all services. [Late 12C]
Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Hugh de Fonte dedi et concessi et hac presenti carta mea confirmavi Margarete filie mee Willelmum filium Herberti cum toto tenemento quod de me tenet in Westmonasterio, et unam acram terre que iacet iuxta acram quam predictus Willelmus de me tenet; tenendum de me et heredibus meis illa et heredibus libere et quiete, integre, plenarie. Reddendo mihi et heredibus meis illa et heredes sui xviij denarios et dimidiam libram cimini per annum pro omni servicio, scilicet: ad Natale Domini iiij denarios et obolum; et ad Pascha iiij
denarios et obolum et dimidiam libram cimini; et in Festo Sancti Iohannis Baptiste iiij denarios et obolum; et in Festo Sancti Michaelis iiij denarios et obolum. Hiis testibus: Rogero, Salomone, capellanis; Rogero Enganet, tunc preposito; Albino clerico; Henrico Sumer; Ricardo Testard; Nicholao filio Gaufridi; Gaufrido de Cruce; Iohanne filio Eadwyd; Adam nepote episcopi; Petro de Wendene; Iohanne filio Willelmi; Ordrico; Stephano de Berking'; Pagano Dobbe; Ricardo de Cleigate; Roberto fratre eius, et multis aliis.
MSS: (1) WAM 17320.
17.5 x 13 cm; t.u. 3.5 cm.
Seal: green; on tag; 4.5 cm diameter (broken); eagle facing right and legend: SIGILL HUGONIS FIL . . .
Endorsed: (a) Westmonasterii capella 1 (14C). (b) Carta Hugonis de Fonte dat' Margerie filie sue Willelmum filium Herberti cum quodam tenemento et unam acram terre in Westmonasterio (13C).
(2) WAD, f. 546r—v.
Date: The hand, and the attestation of Adam, nephew of the bishop; also that of Roger Enganet as reeve (Rosser, 'Medieval Westminster', 360). |