Description (Repository) |
grant of land without and within [ludgate] to provide light for st. mary's altar in westminster abbey 1187-9 [see also 13845, 13846]
[[[[westch 390. Notification from Reginald, baker of Richard bp. of London, and Emma his wife that they have confirmed to the Lady Altar of Westminster, in pure and perpetual alms, to provide lights a rent of 6s. from the land they hold of the canons of St Osith in the parish of Ludgate, lying
between the land Reginald holds of the Hospital of St James near Charing and the land which was William Turpin's of King Henry's chamber. [Temp. John]
Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Reginaldus, pistor Ricardi London' episcopi, et Emma uxor mea dedimus et concessimus et hac presenti carta nostra confirmavimus Deo et altari Beate Marie Virginis Westmonasterii, in puram et perpetuam elemosinam ad invenienda luminaria coram prefato altari, sex solidatos redditus de terra nostra quam tenemus de canonicis Sancte Osithe in parochia de Ludgate: que videlicet terra iacet inter terram nostram quam tenemus de Hospital Sancti Iacobi prope la Cherringe et inter terram que fuit Willelmi Turpin de camera Regis Henrici; percipiendos de nobis et heredibus nostris in perpetuum de prefata terra ad duos terminos anni, scilicet: ad Purificationem Beate Marie tres solidos; et ad Vincula Sancti Petri tres solidos, solvendos custodi predicti altaris qui pro tempore luminaria ibidem ministraverit. Ego autem Reginaldus et Emma uxor mea et heredes nostri prefatos sex solidatos redditus prefato altari warantizabimus contra omnes homines et omnes feminas. Ut autem hec nostra donatio et concessio firma sit et stabilis, eam presentis scripti testimonio et sigilli nostri appositione roboravimus. Hiis testibus: Roberto capellano Johanne filio Willelmi; Odone aurifabro, tunc preposito; Thoma filio Emme; Reinerio pistore; Ricardo filio Heimundi; Stephano de Berking'; Roberto de Crokesr ; Roberto de Cleygate; Laurentio Muscat; Ada de ecclesia, Willelmo de Scardebuith; Helya parmentario; Galfrido de ecclesia; Waltero clerico, et multis aliis.
MSS: (1) WAM 13846.
20 x 11.7 cm; t.u. 1.6 cm.
Seals: green; on tags. (1) 4 x 3.7 cm; fleur de lys; legend: SIGILL. REGINALDI PISTORIS. (2) 4 cm diameter; floriated square cross: legend: EME LA FEME ARM . . . (broken) DLES.
Endorsed: (a) Reginaldus pistor et Emma uxor sua . . . [hole and stain] tandum . . . in parochia de . . . (b) . . . capella ij.
WAD, f. 560.
Date: Attestations; Odo the goldsmith as reeve.
Note: Abbot William d'Humez (1214-22) and the convent granted to Richard the fruiterer, in fee and inheritance, the land acquired from Reginald and Emma, to hold at a rent of 15s. due to the Abbey, and a further 2s. due annually in alms to St Martin's church, Ludgate (WAD f. 475v.). |