Alice daughter of Ernulf son of Alulf and of his wife Denise to Denise her mother: Quitclaim of her right in a house, late of the said Ernulf, against the cemetery wall of St. Paul's in the parish of St. Faith: (London)
hiis testib[ ]. will[ ]o joym[ ]. rad[ ] eswy. girardo. bath. joh[ ]e de coudr[ ]. rog[ ]o blundo. steph[ ]o bukerel thom[ ] de dunholm[ ]. laurentio de frowik[ ]. ham[ ] costantini. ric[ ] derekin. rob[ ] de basing[ ]. adam de linc[ ]. rob[ ]to le bret. will[ ]o eswy. walt[ ]o cisore. alexandro cl[ ]ico et aliis.