Confirmation to the Abbey by Stephen son of andrew Blundus of the shop in no.776 [ 776::the Abbey by Andrew Blundus of a shop in the Cloth Market of Westcheap which he held of the fee of Hugh de Neville. He is to hold the shop of the Abbey on payment of a silver mark annually. [Early 13th cent.]]]]
Confirmation to the Abbey by Stephen son of Andrew Blundus of the shop in no. 77.6. [Early 13th cent.]
Carta Stephani fu i Andree Blundi de una scoppa in parmentrio de Westchep.
Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Stephanus filius Andree Bluncli de London' concessi et hac presenti carta mea confirmaui pro salute anime mee et matris mee et omnium fidelium deo et ecclesie Sancte Marie de Messend' et canonicis ibidem deo seruientibus in liberam et puram et perpetuam elemosinam vnam scoppam cum pertinenciis omnibus in parmentria de Westchep quam pater meus tenuit de feodo Hugonis de Neuille. Que uidelicet est in parochia Sancte Marie Magdalene inter terram Thome filii Nigelli et terram Stephani filii Godefridi quam pater meus eisdem canonicis dedit et carta sua confirmauit. Ita tamen quod ego Stephanus et heredes mei tenebimus in perpetuum prefatam soppam de prefatis canonicis. Reddendo inde eis annuatim vnam marcam argenti ad iiij terminos videlicet ad festum Sancti Michaelis xld. ad Pascha xld. ad Natale domini xld. et ad festum Sancti Iohannis baptiste xld. sine omni occasione. Et si ego dictus Stephanus vel heredes mei ad predictos terminos predictis canonicis redditum iamdictum non persoluerimus licebit eisdem canonicis predictam sopparn per uadia usque ad plenam reddicionem distringere. Et est sciendum quod ego [etc. Warranty clause]. Hiis testibus Iohanne Bucchuunte Iohanne Walram Roberto Burel Edrico tinctore et Adamo filio eius Matheo Brannd Hugone [de] Chalfhunte Willelmo de la uerte liwe. Et aliis.