Acknowledgement by Robert de London that so long as he and his heirs hold the land by Brambeleia they shall pay an annual rent of 5s. to the Abbey. [c.1200]
Acknowledgment by Robert de London that so long as he and his heirs hold the land of Brambeleia they shall pay an annual rent of 5s. to the Abbey. [c. I200]
Carta Roberti filii Willelmi de London de redditu vs. annui red di t us. Notum sit omnibus tam presentibus quam futuris quod ego Robertus filius Willelmi de Lond' et heredes mei debemus reddere ecelesic Sancte Marie de Messend' et canonicis ibidem deo seruientibus vs. annuatim quamdiu tenuerimus terram de Brambeleia scilicet xxxcl. ad Pascha et xxxd. ad festum Sancti Michaelis. Testibus Radulpo filio Yuonis Andrea sacrista Sancti Pauli Lond' Ricardo dc Walingford et Stephano et Gaufrido canonicis de Messenclen' Theobaldo filio Yunois. Et aliis.