Grant and quitclaim by Ralph Sperling son of Alexander of London to the canons of all his right in the lands (described) and rents in the parishes of St Andrew Eastcheap and St MAry at Hill which his brother William Sparling had granted to them and had bequeathed to them in his will. Also quitclaim of the 12d rent whichthe canons have been paying him. The canons have give him 16s. About 1206 x 19 Sep 1212
558. Grant and quitclaim by Ralph Sparling son of Alexander of London to the canons of all his right in the lands (described) and rents in the parishes of St Andrew Eastcheap and St Mary at Hill which his brother William Sparling had granted to them and had bequeathed to them in his will. Also quitclaim of the 12d rent which the canons have been paying him. The canons have given him 16s. About 1206 x 19 September 1212.
Carta Radulfi fil ii Alexandri Sperling de Londoniis.
Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Radulfus filius Alexandri Esperleng concessi et presente carta mea confirmavi et imperpetuum omnino quietum clamavi de me et heredibus meis Deo et ecclesie Sancte Crucis de Waltham et canonicis regularibus ibidem deo servientibus totum ius et clamium quod habui vel habere potui in terris et redditibus que Willelmus Sperleng frater meus predictis ecclesie et canonicis dedit et in testamento suo legavit scilicet in terra quam Petrus Bat tenuit de predicto Willelmo Sperleng et in terra quam Paulinus Hevdmongere tenuit de prenominato Willelmo que ambe terre iacent in parochia Sancti Andree apud Estchep et in terra quam Godardus Trecor tenuit de predicto Willelmo Sperleng in parochia Sancte Marie de Hilla ita quod nec ego Radulfus Sperleng nec heredes mei nec aliquis per nos nec pro nobis aliquid poterimus nec debemus in predictis terris vel red[d]itibus vel pertinenciis exigere nec habere nec clamare in perpetuum. Preterea quietum clamavi predictis ecclesie et canonicis xij denaratas redditus quas michi annuatim reddere solebant. Pro hac autem concessione et quieta clamatione et huius carte confirmatione dederunt michi predicti canonici xvj solidos esterlingorum. Hiis testibus Henrico maiore Londoniis et cetera.
MS: Tib.C.ix, fo.137v, iiij.
Date: after the death of William Sparling (see no.314) and before that of Henry Flu Ailwin (Brooke and Keir, London 800-1216, 376). For the donor, see no.554 and London Eyre of 1244, no.461; Peter Bat was to be a sheriff of London in 1213-14 (S. Reynolds, 'The Rulers of London', 356).
Note: the parish of St Andrew Eastcheap lies in Billingsgate adjacent to the parish of St Mary at Hill to the north. See too no.573<12-14>.