1060. [1271-2] Grant by William Crouere (de la Crouere), citizen, of 8s. p.a. of quit rent to Eustace prior and convent in a street by the Tower against (contra) Wyvelastone from a certain house with an oven (cum furno) and shops adjacent between the tenement with tenter-grounds formerly held by Matthew Bokerel on one side and the tenement of Roger de graschirch on the other; to hold in free alms; [f. 205v] if by reason of fire or lack of maintenance, the canons cannot collect this rent then they may distrain on all William's rents in the City; the canons gave 72s. to further the grantor's business affairs; sealed; witnesses, Walter Hervy, mayor, Richard de Parys, John de Buttele, sheriffs.