993. [1218-19] Grant by R. [sic] prior and convent and confirmation to the brethren and sisters of the hospital of St. Katherine of 34s. 4d. p.a., i.e. 3s. p.a. which Angodus son of Odo was accustomed to pay from land next to land formerly of Robert the Mercer on the north in the parish of St. Mary Aldermanbury ; 18d. p.a. from land which Lambert the Glover (Wanterius) held next the land of Richard de Arras on the west in the parish of Holy Trinity by (versus) Algate ; 2s. p.a. from land which Robert Norensis held in the parish of All Hallows Stanenechirch next the cemetery of the church on the south; 4d. p.a. from land which Walter Brown (Brunus) held in the same parish next Craddokeslane on the west; 5s. p.a. from land which Bartholomew son of Philip held in the same parish next the land of Walter Brown on the west; 5s. p.a. which Simon Chaloner paid from land next to that of Ralph Chaloner on the west; 4s. p.a. from land which Robert de Beuerlac held in the same parish next the land of the aforesaid Simon on the west; 4s. p.a. from land which Thomas de Wileby held next the land of the aforesaid Robert on the west in the parish of All Hallows Fanchirch; 18d. p.a. from land which James the priest held in the parish of St. Dunstan; 12d. p.a. from land which William Vicinus held next the land of Joce the Weigher (Ponderator) on the south in the parish of St. Mary at Hill (de Hylla); 3s. p.a. from land which Robert Basse held next the land of Robert Cincur on the west in the parish of St. Botolph; 12d. p.a. which Ralph the Bureller (Burel) held in the parish of St. Olave by the Tower; 3s. p.a. from land which Semmanus held in the same parish next to the land of the aforesaid Ralph on the south; to hold to the hospital in perpetuity; rent to Holy Trinity 4d. p.a. to be paid within the octave of Easter without `occasio' and miskenning; warranty against all persons; gersuma 29 marks; witnesses, Serlo Mercer, mayor, John Viel, Joce the Weigher, sheriffs and others.