Description (Repository) |
905. [1270-1] Grant of Eustace prior and convent to Benet de Hakeneye, citizen, and Emma his wife of a garden which the priory had in the corner (in cornera) between the messuage of John le Poter on the south and that of John son of the late Richard Rusy on the east in the parish of St. Botolph in the suburb of London; to hold in fee; the grantees not to sell to religious or Jews; quit rent of 1 mark p.a.; if the garden decays so that the rent cannot be paid, then the grantors may distrain upon it and upon a tenement which the grantees have in the parish between the field of Stebenhethe by Smethefeld on the east and the messuage of Walter Daniel on the west but when the garden and the houses built thereon [f. 157v] are sufficient for distraint then the grantors or anyone on their behalf shall no longer have any rights in the aforementioned tenement; if the grantees wish to sell the garden in whole or in part, the prior and convent to have an advantage upon payment of 2s. over other buyers; swore fealty; sealed chirograph; witnesses, John Adrian, mayor, Gregory de Rokesle, Henry le Waleis, sheriffs, Thomas de Wymburne, Ralph de la More, Hervy de Martelane, John le Rus, Ralph Crepyn, Robert de Hakeneye, Richard de Hundesdich, Robert de Coryngham, Henry Deubeneye, Walter le Poter, William 'Tanner, Ralph the Marshal (Marescallo), John the clerk (clerico). |