Description (Repository) |
215. [1286-7] Charter of Roger de Hattefeld, citizen of London, granting to William de Hamme, citizen and wool merchant (lanarius), land with houses built thereon; abutments, the tenement of Simon Boys and that once of Andrew Essex on the east and the king's road on the west and the cemetery of St. Dunstan on the south and a road called Tourstrate on the north together with 10s. p.a. of quit rent which the grantor has received from the tenement of Thomas Porter which he had by the lease of Thomas de Cap(oes)hors and 8s. p.a. of quit rent received from the tenement of Laurence de Hocton which he had of the lease of the said Thomas de Capon(er) and 10s. and 8s. p.a. of quit rent received there from a certain piece (placea) of land which Henry the Carpenter had of the same land by the lease of the grantor; all in land, buildings, wood and stone in length breadth and height leased in fee in perpetuity; rent to the grantor and his heirs one clove-gillyflower at Easter, to the heirs of Henry de Frowyk 50s. of silver, to the heirs of John de la Tour 4s., to the canons of St. Mary of Southwork 4s., to the king -4-d. of socage on Palm Sunday, to the prior of Lewisham and his successors 7d. at Michaelmas and to the canons of Christchurch (Holy Trinity) 20s.; gersuma E,20 sterling; witnesses, Ralph de Sandwich, warden of London, Thomas Cros, Walter Hautein, sheriffs. |