Description (Repository) |
383. Notification by John Buccuinte of his grant to Jocelin of Cornhill and his heirs of that land lying between the land of Reginald and that of William son of Nicholas, to hold of John and his heirs in fee and inheritance for 6s. annually. Dislodgement prohibited; and neither can John or his heirs alienate the land except for [? non-payment of] the rent. Jocelin and his heirs may sell or alienate the fee of that land as they please, except to churches or Jews, saving the right of his lord, John Buccuinte. Jocelin gave a gersum of 21b. of pepper. [Later 12C]
Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Johannes Bucc' concessi Gocelino de Cornelle et heredibus suis terram illam que est inter terram Reginaldi et inter terram Willelmi filii Nicholai; tenendam de me et de heredibus meis sibi et heredibus suis in feudo et hereditate finabiliter pro vj solidis reddendis inde per annum pro omni servitio ad duos terminos, scilicet: infra octo dies Pasche iij solidos, et infra octo dies Sancti Michaelis iij solidos. Ita quod ego predictus Johannes non possum disherbergare predictum Gocelinum vel heredes suos propter me herbergare vel heredes meos; nec ego predictus Johannes neque heredes mei non possimus de predicta terra vendere nec dare neque dispendere vel invadiare nisi predictum censum terre, scilicet sex solidos. Et ego predictus Gocelinus et heredes mei possimus feudum prenominate terre et vendere atque invadiare ubi voluerimus, nisi ecclesiis vel Judeis, salvo jure domini mei Johannis Bucc' et heredum suorum. Et pro hac concessione atque conventione predictus Gocelinus dedit michi Johanni Bucc' duas libras piperis in gersumam.1 Hiis testibus:2 Helias capellanus; Henricus clericus; Philippus scriptor; Radulfus filius Roberti; Johannes Burguillun; Jacobus Drapier; Willelmus Norreis; Hamo nepos; Hamo filius Radulfi Brant; Alanus clericus, et satis aliorum.3
MS: WAD, f. 368v.
Rubric: Carta Johannis Bucc' de terra que est inter terram Reginaldi et terram Willelmi filii Nicholai.
MS: gersume.
Attestations in nominative, suggesting that in the original the preceding phrase was testes sunt.
MS: alios. |