Description (Repository) |
348. Grant by Prior Robert of Moulsham to Adam sergeant of the church of Westminster of that land in Westminster which the prior bought from Peter Fauset. The land is in the fee of Hamund de Hotot next to the holding John Pimerich once had in the same fee. Adam is to hold it freely in perpetuity of the proctors of the Lady Altar for 2s. a year, saving only the forinsec service of the abbot. [Temp. John]
Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Robertus de Mulesham, prior Westmonasterii, voluntate et assensu conventus eiusdem loci, concessi et dimisi et hac presenti carta confirmavi Ade servienti de ecclesia Westmonasterii, totam terram illam cum pertinentiis in villa Westmonasterii quam emi de Petro Fauset, que fuit de feodo Hamundi de Hotot: que videlicet terra jacet iuxta terram quam Johannes Pimerich aliquando tenuit que fuit de eodem feodo. Habendam et tenendam ipsi Ade et heredibus suis de nobis et successoribus nostris altaris Beate Virginis Marie in eadem ecclesia procuratoribus libere et quiete, integre, inperpetuum: reddendo inde singulis annis de predicta terra duos solidos procuratori prefati altaris qui pro tempore fuerit ad quatuor principales anni terminos pro omni servitio, salvo tamen forinseco servitio abbatis. Hanc autem terram prediCto Ade et heredibus suis warantizabimus contra omnes homines et feminas per predictum servitium. Ut autem hec concessio et carte presentis confirmatio rata sit et stabilis earn sigilli mei appositione corroboravi. Hiis testibus: Odone aurifabro ; Ricardo Testard; Gaufrido de Cruce; Wimund pistore; Johanne filio Alani; Gaufrido de Ecclesia; Gervasio portitore; Ivone de Medmeham; Willelmo filio Herberti; Nicholao de cellario; Helia parmentario; Gervasio Tatin; Laurentio Muschat, et multis aliis.
MSS: (1) WAM 17329.
14.3 x 12.3 cm; t.u. 2 cm.
Seal: green; on tag; 4.8 x 3.3 cm; obverse: standing angel: SIG[ lERT DE MVLESHAM Endorsed: (a) Robertus de Molesham prior Westmonasterii dirnittit Ade servienti de ecclesia Westmonasterii quandam partem terre in Westmonasterio predicto . . . (13C). (b) reddendo inde annuatim custodi capelle Beate Marie ecclesie Westmonasterii ij solidos per annum (14C). (c) Westmonasterii capelle redditus lv (14C).
(2) WAD, f. 547r—v.
Note: Peter Fauset's grant is 430. This and related documents refer only to a Lady Altar. A special fund was apparently set up under Abbot Ralph to raise money for the building of a new Lady Chapel: building was actually begun during the abbacy of his successor, William d'Humez (History of the King's Works, ed. H. M. Colvin, 6 vols. (1963-1973), I, 131). At least forty documents in the abbey muniments concern properties in Westminster assigned to the fund, and endorsed `Westm' capell". |