Description (Repository) |
A. 7354. Release by Juliana late the wife of Alan de Balon for the health of his and her souls to the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of whatever she had in 12'/. quit rent which Ralph Burel was wont to pay her from certain land with houses which is in the parish of St. Olave towards the Tower of London, in Marchelane, between land of Turbernus 'arconarii* towards the north and land of Peter the tiler (coopertoris) ' llondes' ; to hold freely quietly, for ever ; for this gift and quit claim the canons gave her 6*.
Witnesses : Peter Blund, alderman, Robert de Turri, Alexander 'frutter,' Alan But [bat?], Nicholas Young (jurene'), Roger the cook (coco), William de Pyro, John de Tefont, William Haket, Robinus de Camera. Endorsed : ' Sancti Olavi versus Turrim' : aho ' Juliana relicta Alexandri de Balun reddit nobis xij. d. redditus quas vir ejus nobis legaverat de terra Radulfi Burel in Marchelane' ; also ' W. Burel et Benedicti de Hakeneye.'
[[[[HTA 178. [f. 35v] [?1190-1215] Grant by Juliana formerly wife of Alan Balon (de Ba/on) for the salvation of the soul of Alan and of her own soul, to the canons of Holy Trinity of 1 s. p.a. of quit rent which Ralph Burel was accustomed to pay from a certain piece of land with houses in Marthelane ; abutments, the land of Turb(er)nus Arcon(er)us on the north and land of Peter the Tiler (Coopertoris); for the gift the canons gave 6s.; witnesses,
Peter Blundus, alderman, Robert de Turry.
C.A.D., iv, A 7354. ]]]] |