Description (Repository) |
C. 1618. Grant by Edward Louvekyn and Isabella his wife, citizens
of London, to John Louvekyn, of Kynggeston, and Cecilia, daughter of
Henry le Yongge, of land and houses which formerly belonged to John son
of Ledulph the German, late citizen of London, and which the said John
recovered by writ of right against Alice Hanyn in the Hustings Court of
London, in the parish of St. Botolph's, Billingsgate; with a proviso that the
grantees shall pay 20s. a year to Christina, a nun of Clerkenwell, daughter
of the said Isabella. Witnesses : John le Blound, Mayor of London,
Roger de Parys and John de Lincoln, sheriffs, Hugh Pourt, alderman of
that ward, and others (named). Two seals, imperfect. |