Description (Repository) |
A. 1616. Grant by William cle Lauvare, citizen of London, to Eustace,
the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, for 40*., of a yearly
rent of 4*. issuing from his tenement and houses in the parish of All Saints of Colemanecherche, situate as described. Witnesses : John Adrian, Mayor of London, Henry le Waleys aud Gregory de Rbkesle, sheriffs, John de Norhamtone, alderman of that ward, and others (named) . [55 Henry III.]
[[[HTA 93. [1270-1] Grant by William de Lunar, citizen, of an annual quit rent of 4s. to Eustace prior and convent from all the tenements and houses that he had in the parish between the land and houses of Henry the Mason on the east and lands formerly of Nicholas de Turn i on the west; for the grant the prior and convent gave 40s.; if he or his heirs and assigns wish to sell, the canons have the preference by a bezant of 2s.; witness, John Adryan, mayor.]]]]]]
C.A.D., i, A 1616. |