Description (Repository) |
[Middx.] A. 1486. Acknowledgment by Hamo de Perariis, clerk, that he and his heirs are bound to pay the prior and canons of Holy Trinity, London, an annual rent of 6*. Id., granted them by William de Turri, late (jitizen of London, to be received for a certain tenement he holds in the parish of St. Benedict West, London, payment commencing at Easter, 19 Edward I. : for which acknowledgment the prior and convent have remitted all arrears < due for the said tenement up to the above term. Witnesses : Ralph de Sandwich, then Warden (Custos) of London, Thomas Romayn and William de Leyre, then sheriffs, Richard Aswy, alderman of that ward, and others (named). 19 Edward I. Seal.
[[[hta 617. [1290-1] Recognisance of Hamo Perariis, clerk, in which he binds himself and his heirs to pay 6s. 7d. p.a. to Holy Trinity which he had as a gift from William de Turn , late citizen, as appears in a charter of gift which he has inspected; [f. 116] if the rent is in arrears the canons shall take naam and distrain in all the tenement; for this recognisance, the prior and convent remitted all arrears up to Easter 1291; chirograph sealed; witnesses, Ralph de Sandwich, warden, Thomas Romayn, William le Leyr, sheriffs, Richard Aswy, alderman of this ward.]]]]]
C.A.D., i, A 1486. |