Description (Repository) |
996 Grant by Gilbert Marescallus de Bisshoppesgate to William de Bisshoppesgate, whittawyer, of land between that of Michael de Kemesynges in the S. and that of Douce de St Antonio toward the Church of St Austin Pappay opposite London Wall in the E. Rent: 5s. to SBH, a head of cloves to Gilbert. Fine: ro marks. Wit. William son of Richard, warden of L., Philip Cissor, ald., Nicholas de Bisshoppesgate, pig merchant, Roger le Waleis, Tibbald Baron, William de Multon, Nicholas Graygrom, vintner, Henry Reymund, carter, William de Hakeneye, Michael Marescallus, Ralph de Molendino, John Sounger, Ralph Longus, Thomas Pol, John Bure!, John Bedellus, Ralph Clericus. Margin: 5i Hen. III. [126671. 385/172 |