Description (Repository) |
552 Grant by Stephen le Gras, chaplain and rector of Clopham, and Clement, vicar of Audebery, exec. test. of William Courtpail, chaplain -to m. Robert de Scartheburgh, archdeacon of the East Riding, of land with houses between the land formerly of Adam de Greinvile, kt, now of m. Robert in the E., W. and S. and a lane leading to land formerly of John de Crakhale now of m. Robert in the N. which land William Courtpail bought of the exec. test. of John, rector of St Thomas the Apostle. Rent: 35. to SBH. Fine: 7 marks silver. Wit. Gregory de Rokeley, mayor of L., John Horn, Richard le Blund, sheriffs of L., Anketin le Mercer, ald., Henry le Waleys, Henry de Coventre, Nicholaus de Vointon, Henry de Frowyk, William de Dunelm, Stephen de Comhull, Henry de Wodestock, Richard de Hokle, capmaker, John de Mapelcombe, William de la Grave, John de Uggethorpe, Roger Cocus, Robert de Essedone, Gilbert de Chesewyk. [1275-6]. z 3 7-8 /— |