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446 Agreement between Robert Newecomen, sealmaker, and brother John de Pekesden, prior of St Bartholomew, on one part and brother William le Rous, m. of SBH, on the other by which Robert for the benefit of his soul and of those of his late wives Maud and Parnel, grants to SBH one messuage and 37 acres of land held by Roger le Spicer, Robert Holewey, Richard Holewey, Maud Holewey, William Compaynes and Maud Holewey on condition that SBH distributes 3d. worth of wheatbread to the poor in smi at the visitation of the prior on the day after Ash Wednesday. Wit. Walter Pecok, William de Ponde, John de Londonia, Philip Dykeman, Henry le Heyward, John de Flaunden, William atte Roche. 17 July 1325. Margin: House of the Carthusians namely Frowikkesbern 13,1 acres one rod. 203-4/
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