grant by ralph le tymbermongere of suwerke and sybil his wife to richard momeray, mercer, and juliana his wife of a garden situated between the garden of john norman on the e and the garden of john le armurer onte hW, and abutting upon the garden of sir john de metingham on the n and upon the royal highway on the s; fro an annual rent of 6d to john norman and 1/4 d at midsummer to the grantor. ;gersuma a certain sum of money wiht which the grantors profess themselves paid in full
wintesses simon de panp ; john scarlet; robert le callere [sp baller?] of london; john norman; robert basely; john le armurer; henry le vineter; robert the clerk and others
Saturday next before the feast of the blessed virgin margaret 24 ed I (July 14th 1296)
8 3/5 x 7 ½