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Grant by Helias de Walingeford, citizen of London, to Roger Hosebonde, citezen of London, of the land in the parish of St Nicholas Shambels (ad Marcellas)which he bought of Master Thomas de Yngoldethorp, clerk, the which land is situated between the lane called Yuylane on the e and the tenementof richard de grene on te W, and the royal highway on the N, and the tenement of the canons of st pauls which sir philip de wyleby holds on the s; rendering therefor to the said master Thomas 24s per annum, and to the grantor a clove (Olami') at Michaelmas.Gersumia 20 mks. Sealing clause. Note on the back of enrolment in Husting Court on Monday next after the Feast of the Annunciation 19 Ed I (129?) Husting Roll ro no.25
Sir Ralph de Sandwich, knight, Warden of London; William de Leyre and Thomas le Romayn, sheriffs; Sir William de Farndone, alderman of the ward; John de Dachet; Thomas the clerk; Richard de Grene; William Vggel; Peter the clerk and many others
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