Confirmation by Salomon son of Roger of Sutwerc to London bridge of the sale of Walter his son of his land in the parish of St Olave Suwerc, lying between the land of the said bridge towards the E, and the land which belonged to Thomas de St Christopher towards the W, and extending from the royal highway as far as the houses of the aforesaid bridge; the which land the said wlater sold to the bridge for 2 ½ marks
witnesses;_- serlo mercer, then mayor. Thomas de Haverhill, Richard rainger. Jocius juvene, then sheriffs. William the cook of suwerc. benet fitz(filius) luke. arnold the vintner. Hervery filius (fitz) fucher. Simon chaplain of the bridge. Godefrid Chaplain of the bridge and many others.
parch 6 7/10 x 3 9/10
lar reg f 225 no 227
cf A3